Hi did you manage to buy this coke beauty?

Sep 10, 2018,23:30 PM

I own one exactly like you mentioned 3185 +Stick dial +coke. Interested to find out more is it really rarer than 3186? Forgive me about this silly question smile.

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Identifying future classic Rolex from the 1990-2018 era - Part 4: Rolex 16710 GMT-Master II "The Stick dial"

 By: Baron - Mr Red : September 3rd, 2018-04:53
This is Part 4 of the series of “Identifying future classic Rolex from the 1990-2018 era”. I am attaching Parts 1, 2 and 3 below in case anyone missed them. Part 1: www.watchprosite.com Part 2: / Part 3: / Part 4 - The Rolex GMT-Master II "The S...  

Coke probably less produced then Pepsi?

 By: Arie - Mr Orange : September 3rd, 2018-05:11
Another question: what is the correct box to go with one of these? I see some (same year) with the old boxes and some with the new boxes?


 By: Baron - Mr Red : September 3rd, 2018-06:38
.......Coke is probably rarer though Pepsi is more popular. As for the boxes, I will need to check as the production run is so long that the box style will almost certainly have changed.

Very well researched, as usual

 By: Boris : September 3rd, 2018-05:15
However, I am not sure how this qualifies as a "future" classic, given that these "stick dial" versions of 16710 and their 3186 movement already command significant premiums over regular 16710's.

Perhaps because wealth in the world is increasing so the demand for pieces like this will increase as well.

 By: Arie - Mr Orange : September 3rd, 2018-05:31
We all want what we ‘can’t’ have/get (easily)...

Yes.... exactly. [nt]

 By: Baron - Mr Red : September 3rd, 2018-05:46


 By: Baron - Mr Red : September 3rd, 2018-05:34
.... everything is relative. Yes, there is a premium building on these but it’s not at a point where it can be described as a “classic”. Think of it as a spectrum. It’s moving along that spectrum.

Great post, again.

 By: zabreg1 Mr White : September 3rd, 2018-05:29
One of these days, I will be forced to act on your 'advice'.

you are welcome.... [nt]

 By: Baron - Mr Red : September 5th, 2018-04:02

First, you make me do math.

 By: zabreg1 Mr White : September 5th, 2018-06:30
Next, you're 'advising' me... This will get expensive.

the thing is......

 By: Baron - Mr Red : September 5th, 2018-06:41
In PP, you won't go down the WT path. So that really leaves a gap on travel type watches..... Of which....GMT is one.

Damn it, you always have an angle.

 By: zabreg1 Mr White : September 5th, 2018-07:19
Does my Voutilainen dual time count? Also, I have the GS GMT.

I do indeed.

 By: zabreg1 Mr White : September 5th, 2018-14:50
Especially the 5131p on a bracelet. It's just that I refuse to get a WT until the rest of the world stops changing clocks. I don't want my WT to be wrong half the year.

Great reports.

 By: Hulk : September 3rd, 2018-06:19
I can already see the that some may be following your trend as there seem to be less and less available of those you have noted. For me the gmt fat lady is on my list to get when the kids finish college! Again all superb reports. Cheers Steve


 By: Baron - Mr Red : September 3rd, 2018-06:33
.....i haven't checked chrono for teh stats since i first put the articles out...will be interesting to compare in say 2-3 months time

Fascinating as usual. I’ve learnt a lot from these posts. Thank you.

 By: kev09 : September 3rd, 2018-06:31
Something that strikes me from the 2 examples you show is that on the one with the Roman numeral the rest of the text is clearly “sans serif” but the other one, the stick dial, has a definite serif look on some of the letters. You would have thought it wo... 

I m glad to come across this thread.

 By: Mineral : September 3rd, 2018-08:22
Such an informative thread and I considered myself lucky to have bought the brand new Coke insert Gmt master 16710 many years ago. It is still remain NOS and yes it is stick dial . ...  


 By: Mineral : September 3rd, 2018-09:01
I just finished reading your other thread part 1-3 and great read. Enjoy reading them very much, thanks your efforts to put up all the information

Another brilliant insight into future collectibility

 By: Miranda : September 3rd, 2018-10:02
There is only one way for Rolex collectors I have said for a long time.... and thats down the sapphire route So thanks 🙏🏽 for these brilliant expose

also Nico.....

 By: Baron - Mr Red : September 4th, 2018-00:18
.....this isn't really about vintage. Rather its about the modern era that will produce future classics. I guess that makes it a slightly different approach.

I love mine

 By: reintitan : September 4th, 2018-00:50
I have a full box set NOS Z-serial 16710 Pepsi with the "stick dial" with all the case side and bracelet stickers still intact. I bought it to wear as my daily watch just as the reference was discontinued and the new black ceramic GMT II was released. I d... 

many believe....

 By: Baron - Mr Red : September 4th, 2018-02:35
....that 3185 and stick dial is actually rarer. I have seen about equal numbers of both types.

3185+stick for pepsi or coke?

 By: dnlmpg : September 7th, 2018-01:56
For your "actually rarer" comment, is this for pepsi or coke? I have an opportunity right now to acquire a coke stick dial with 3185 movement instead of the 3186 (Z3 series), and wondering if I should bite the bullet... Thanks in advance!

I will PM you [nt]

 By: Baron - Mr Red : September 7th, 2018-02:20

Hi did you manage to buy this coke beauty?

 By: Mineral : September 10th, 2018-23:30
I own one exactly like you mentioned 3185 +Stick dial +coke. Interested to find out more is it really rarer than 3186? Forgive me about this silly question .


 By: Baron - Mr Red : September 11th, 2018-01:20
.....it is very hard to say definitively that it is rarer. in my experience, I have seen more 3186 stick than 3185. But is it rarer? I think they are both rare

Sorry for the late reply

 By: dnlmpg : September 13th, 2018-03:06
Haven't checked for a while as worked suddenly got busy. I haven't bought it yet as I've decided I like Pepsi better, and so have started looking towards that direction instead.

Hello dear Joe

 By: renerod : September 7th, 2018-18:14
As always I have enjoyed your series of posts. Any chance to have more insights like this on other brands? Patek, AP, JLC, Omega maybe? They would be a delight to read! As always, thanks for sharing your thoughts with us. Best. René


 By: Baron - Mr Red : September 8th, 2018-06:39
I guess each forum Moderator will have an opinion on this. For me, I think this type of detail is very much a part of Rolex. It’s what Rolex collecting has been about for decades. Also, few manufacturers “create” the anomalies like Rolex do and further, n... 

I get you, Joe

 By: renerod : September 8th, 2018-11:42
From that point of view maybe only vintage Patek would fit into that category of little variations. Indeed I have read your posts on the Patek Philippe Calatrava. Best regards. René