In a sense, you're asking the impossible.

Mar 23, 2024,20:27 PM

Said calmly and sincerely, have you worked retail luxury sales?

Still said calmly.... Color me no expert, yet have worked retail at the luxury level and no matter how well trained and knowledgeable my passion and that of the staff, there's always some historical fact, or small detail, or some super secret just sneakily 'JUST announced secretly' on Instagram an hour ago new release, or ____ that a brand FANatic will know... yet a salesperson might not.
A single brand, perhaps, yet the more brands you add, the more demand for knowledge, and of course if we're talking a mere five brands it gets challenging, especially for vintage FANactics who love to share (tout) their deep knowledge, or what they JUST saw on Instagram and how the heck does their retailers now know ?!?!?

Agreed a single set of staff for a single brand may be better in focussed knowledge, yet at what costs to the retailer?
And what if said retailer simply 'rents out' the space to the brand, then it's more the brand's task to train their staff at a level that you find acceptable and not the retailer. i've been to single-brand stores where the staff was completely clueless (when PAM opened a new store in Vegas during September 2022).

There's more to be said, yet in the end we FANactis want it all... plus it'd be nice to be gifted a glossy catalog gratis, and dare we ask it to be signed by the CEO, a prestigious watchmaker, or someone 'famous'. Interested in an MB&F, sure, and here's a free catalog signed by Stephen and Max. It sounds wonderful, yet the reality of being a retailer brings many challenges.

There is hope! You could very well know a better way. That's awesome, truly is! Mr. Lamborghini felt ____ about the way Enzo Ferrari treated him. Have you considered opening up your own chain of timepiece retail stores? Financing is easy-ish, yet you are correct one needs exceptional members of staff from the CFO to the person(s) working security... and of course your customer-facing staff.

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WoS - Getting the business model right

By: CGJ0 : March 23rd, 2024-16:48
Hi all, Long long time no post. Fell a little out of love with scrolling through many threads when I had no active purchases planned but what goes around comes around Anyway, something away from this community which I’ve been thinking about of late (again... 

Watches of Switzerland was a prime example of greedy local optimization.

By: als1678 : March 23rd, 2024-17:37
They actually did try to add independents to their stable, even carried MB&F at some point. But that has tiny business impact given the volumes they do in the big brands. The model was - we will only sell you a Rolex if you first spend a certain amount on... 
By: m2 : March 23rd, 2024-17:53
Retailers like that are dying because they do not add incremental revenue for brands. That’s why they are increasingly being cut out.

WoS is doing great, they sell a heck of a lot of the 2024 Holy Trinity brands too.

By: enjoythemusic : March 23rd, 2024-17:59
You might make a point that small independent brands are holding WoS financial resources back from being more productive, as those resources can go to sure things that sell through... and ensuring higher incoming of the 2024 Holy Trinity brands of Rolex, ...  

Thank you for sharing this

By: CGJ0 : March 23rd, 2024-18:47
I wasn’t aware this was available on their site (such a neat summary) - reality is I just do not consistently see these brands in any branches which I visit. I think the store within the store addresses the “knowledge problem”, as commented by another per... 

In a sense, you're asking the impossible.

By: enjoythemusic : March 23rd, 2024-20:27
Said calmly and sincerely, have you worked retail luxury sales? Still said calmly.... Color me no expert, yet have worked retail at the luxury level and no matter how well trained and knowledgeable my passion and that of the staff, there's always some his... 

Appreciate the skepticism and the challenge…

By: CGJ0 : March 23rd, 2024-22:16
that was very much what the post was intended to draw out. If the company is to get better, how would people on this forum have approach it differently (with their range of backgrounds)?