
January 2023: 15 years of moderation. A story of friendship

 By: amanico : January 5th, 2023-09:52

It is a long story of friendship which led me to accept the Moderator's functions... 

In December 2006, I registered on our WatchProSite new platform ( I was already active on our former website called The PuristS two years before ). This is the moment I met for the first time some of our members, like our dear Dje, Bill, and Simon ( Slamb ) in Paris. 

Old friends: Emilio and Oliver, with Bill: 

In the middle of the year 2007, Bill asked me if I was ok to take the moderation of one of our sub forums. It took me some months to think about that. Indeed, at that time, the only brands I would be interested in moderating were Ulysse Nardin, Girard Perregaux or Jaeger Lecoultre. 

The first two were brilliantly animated by Marcus Hanke ( Ulysse Nardin ) and Peter CDE ( Girard Perregaux ), and Jaeger Lecoultre by our talented friend Jerome ( Dje ) so I didn't see a possibility for me to accept such a function. 

Then, Jerome told me that he was leaving the Jaeger Lecoultre moderation to " take " Patek Philippe... I contacted the Manufacture to be sure that they would be ok to collaborate and to help me have contacts with some of the people " inside ". The Green light was given to me very quickly, in the very first days of January 2008.

Indeed, moderating a brand is possible AND interesting only if you have contacts who will provide you with deeper information and news than just those you can find in the press releases, if you can visit the Manufacture, speak with the watchmakers, designers, product development people, those in charge of the vintage department and so on.

The inauguration of the Heritage Gallery, in 2007: 

I can say that Jaeger Lecoultre remarkably played the game. I was invited several times a year at the Manufacture, attended some crazy events, went at the SIHH each year ( since 2006, so even before being a moderator ), I even had the chance to see the birth of some projects, such as the Gyrotourbillon 2 and 3, the Tribute to Polaris, Deep Sea Alarm and Geophysic, for example. 

The Polaris adventure: 

The Tribute To Deep Sea Saga: 

The Duomètre à Sphérotourbillon's birth: 

The first paths of the Reverso Gyrotourbillon 2: 

The making of the Gyrotourbillon 3: 

And the Tribute to Géophysic unveiling, in Hong Kong: 

And in Singapor: 

Another strong moment, the celebration of the Manufacture's 180th anniversary, in Paris, in 2013: 

I could meet all the different CEOs, from Jerome Lambert to Catherine Renier and witness all the changes at the Manufacture with some new buildings and extensions, and foster some strong  relations with some people there. 

At Le Mans Race, in 2009

At the Reverso Soirée, in 2021 in Paris: 

I have to say that the relations between our website and Jaeger Lecoultre were excellent since the first days of The PuristS, as WE and THEM had the chance to have some excellent moderators, like Jaw and Dje. These gentlemen and friends were the two who initiated the project, I just tried to go into their paths. They have all the merit there. 

Our Dje, at work: 

Some are working, others are having fun.  wink 

And, last but not least, one of the highlights from past year, our WatchProSite visit of the Manufacture! 

I would say that moderating such a brand is only pleasure. Writing reviews, animating the forum is a great and rewarding experience, after all these years. Especially with such a great Community. 

A pleasure and an honor. 

Let's keep this place as good as it was, thanks to the help of everybody.  

All the best,


What a great story and history in the making. Both WPS and JLC are lucky to have you on board. Thanks for all you do Nico. Enjoy!

 By: LarsG : January 5th, 2023-10:21

As you could read, the planets were aligned for that. Thanks, Lars.

 By: amanico : January 6th, 2023-16:22

Amazing story Nico

 By: Epilogue : January 5th, 2023-10:26
It's amazing to see how deep you can go in a hobby. 
And also your story is clear evidence that you draw a lot of fun, growth and friendships from the work you put in.
Really beautiful smile

Fun is a big part of the adventure, as well as friendship. Thanks, E.

 By: amanico : January 6th, 2023-16:23

What a journey! Great reporting and sharing memories. All I can say is THANK YOU for your work here, not just but especially concerning JLC! May many good and fun years lie ahead of you and us all!

 By: RayStantzPhD : January 5th, 2023-10:47

Thank you, Alex.

 By: amanico : January 6th, 2023-16:23

Thanks for sharing

 By: Arronax : January 5th, 2023-11:03
A true labour of love considering this is all done for free and comes on top of work and family duties, chapeau bas monsieur smile

Merci, mon ami.

 By: amanico : January 6th, 2023-16:23


 By: andrea~ : January 5th, 2023-11:06
A milestone that can't go un-celebrated! Your insight into the brand is a true gift for us all.

Grazie, Andrea.

 By: amanico : January 6th, 2023-16:24

What a wonderful post, mon ami!

 By: MTR : January 5th, 2023-11:21
My highest respect for your professional knowledge, friendship and human qualities.

And I LOVE our common home here!

Our Common Home has become very important to many of us. Well said, my friend.

 By: amanico : January 6th, 2023-16:25

Bravo, keep up the good work.

 By: grigo : January 5th, 2023-11:33
I love reading your posts and have always appreciated the advice you have provided.

Merci, George.

 By: amanico : January 6th, 2023-16:25

Thank you for your precious contribution, Nico. No doubt, only people with very high passion of the watches and particular brand can do this.

 By: hoseachandra : January 5th, 2023-11:54

Without Passion, you can't do anything... Thanks, hoseachandra my friend.

 By: amanico : January 6th, 2023-16:26

Everlasting friendship.

 By: Bill : January 5th, 2023-12:26
Nico is family.  

I have enjoyed every second of Nico's company and looking forward to many more golden years.

Best wished for 2023 and into the future.

Same for me, Bill. Family, mon meilleur ami.

 By: amanico : January 6th, 2023-16:26

Wonderful post! Mon ami!

 By: Ajas : January 5th, 2023-13:06
I always enjoy reading your posts full of great insights about manufacturer's, history and collecting in general. Thank you and thank God I found this wonderful community.

You are right, Ajas. This is a wonderful Community we have.

 By: amanico : January 6th, 2023-16:27

Thumbs up - you have my thanks

 By: Ping.Timeout : January 5th, 2023-13:17

My pleasure, Ping. Thanks to YOU.

 By: amanico : January 6th, 2023-16:28

Cheers 🥂

 By: Ping.Timeout : January 8th, 2023-00:21

What a history indeed!

 By: KCLQMULKU : January 5th, 2023-13:25
I learnt throughout the many years I have been (privileged to be) a part of this amazing forum how much it takes to be a WPS moderator.  A job all in itself!  Absolutely amazing how you and your moderator colleagues balance this with your actual professional jobs!  Some may ask how you find the energy and focused commitment to do this.  I suspect the energy comes from the passion, spirit, and true in-depth enthusiasm for horology itself.

I would like to thank you and the many other WPS moderators for keeping this forum alive, from strength to strength, and allowing us that magical outlet to enjoy our passion for timepieces!

Thank you and keep up the exceptional work! 👍👍👍

Passion is everything, mon ami. The Mod Team we have here is exceptional.

 By: amanico : January 6th, 2023-16:29

What an amazing story and journey Nicolas. You certainly found a way to continue building the foundation for our passion, leveraging what had been done by your predecessors! What a great man you are!

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : January 5th, 2023-13:43
Always a pleasure and privilege to part of this virtual community!  Chrono.

A pleasure to have you among us, mon ami.

 By: amanico : January 6th, 2023-16:29

The pleasure is all mine my friend! Cheers!

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : January 6th, 2023-16:39


 By: amanico : January 6th, 2023-16:50
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