
Vintage Ads: The Series – Part #2 Memovox Pocket Alarms

 By: blomman Mr Blue : June 18th, 2011-18:17

Hello Vintage Jaeger-LeCoultre Lovers,


Now when I have opened my “black book” for you, or actually my black books…


I better get the ball rolling because as you can imagine, I have a lot of material for this series…


And it will take some time to go thru…





You know my unconditional love for the Memovox!


My feelings also includes the Memovox Pocket Alarms.


Jaeger-LeCoultre, catalogue, 1971 (for a full manual, please see the reference post).


So, what separates a MPA from a Memovox or an Alarm clock?


Well, the MPA is meant to carry in your pocket, put on your nightstand or your desk in the office.


The movements used in MPA’s are the same as in the wrist watch Memovox while Alarm clocks often use “simpler” clock movements.


Cal K814, ca 1964-65.


In the MPA’s only manual movements were used, with or without date.


Cal 489, Cal 814, Cal 910 and Cal 911 (date).


Earliest trace of the MPA I found is from the mid 1950’s and they were in the JLC catalogue until mid 1970’s.



Jaeger-LeCoultre, ad, 1957.


Different way of placing the watch upright, this one has the same construction as the Ados.



Jaeger-LeCoultre, French catalogue, 1958.


Most of them are made in brass or gilt metal and with leather pouches.


The 11002 uses the leather cover as a foot support.



Jaeger-LeCoultre, catalogue, 1966 (for a full manual, please see the reference post).


Jaeger-LeCoultre, catalogue, 1967.


 Note the alarm disk, the whole dial is the alarm disk!



Jaeger-LeCoultre, German catalogue, 1965.


This one stands erect, no folding foot support.



Jaeger-LeCoultre, French catalogue, early 1960’s.


LeCoultre, catalogue, mid 1960’s.


The most common foot support, folding bracket.



Jaeger-LeCoultre, Memovox catalogue, 1972.




Group photo of my small ladies...




Thank you for reading Part #2 of this Vintage Ads Series.


Hope you enjoyed!







Vintage Ads: The Series – Intro!


Vintage Ads: The Series – Part #1 Futurematic

This message has been edited by blomman on 2011-06-18 18:18:16

excellent blomman, thanks [nt]

 By: chronomtr : June 18th, 2011-20:43
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Thanks, Chrono! :) [nt]

 By: blomman Mr Blue : June 20th, 2011-02:12
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Thanks for letting me discover a ground I don't know well, Blomman.

 By: amanico : June 18th, 2011-23:05

This is, in my opinion, somethings which misses, in the current JLC catalog.

The versatilty of the product was simply great, as you could use it as an Alarm Table clock or a pcoket watch.

I would well see myself with the Ref 11076 in the '72 JLC Catalog, or the 12. R.R. 4 in the '58 JLC Catalog...


Another thing I discover is in the Mid Sixties Lecoultre catalog, a " square cushion Wristwatch " Memovox, the Ref 1208... My God!

There were some strange products, sometimes!

Thanks for this superb Journey in time, my friend.

A reference post.



Sunday Benchmark .. So enjoyable .. And educative, thnx !:)

 By: hs111 : June 19th, 2011-00:25
Really, my friend - Benchmark revisited, about a topic, where my knowledge
( and possessions) are simply said, pretty blank pages !

It's interesting to see, how this development, and market penetration attempts
of the Memovox principle is pertinent and applied.

What I wondered- two or three 'Watsonian' Q's allowed:

1/ : Was it FIRST in the wristwatch and then brought over ( paradox ?) to the pocket and alarmwatches in JLC ?
- I forgot, no better do not know: when was the fiirst Memovox in JLC, when the first alarm watch ?
( sorry if that asks too much ..)

2/ Almost never we see stainless steel - just an appeal question ? - Maybe because the alarm watches were almost
like furniture, or bring alongs ? - on the other hand, nice efforts for the etuis for all those,
- something which I wish would be revived again for the boxes nowadays - a bit boring at present, for most..

3/ its interesting, to see ads, where the manufacture rationalizes about the image of the brand,
summarizes the selling pounts -- ( "What the public thinks about ..")
- the ads at that time - I more and more realize - were much more 'personalized' or in some instances, even
artistic with drawings, short lines and quotes,
- when I look at the lovely series of the ad Reference posts in the Forum, so much philosophy there,
'raison d'être' and genese, Nice..

Paradise lost or just change of tides and change of times ?
You again contributed to have some Paradise - well, regained ..
( ref Milton)

With that , and many thanks for your Series-2 with such an educatively pleasant share,
I wish you a good Sunday,

Best, hs

The first alarm wristwatch...

 By: amanico : June 19th, 2011-00:36

It seems that the first Alarm Wristwatch was a Vulcain, in 1946 if I remember correctly the date, and that JLC came 4 years after, in 1950 with the Ref 3150 and its characteristic tubular lugs.



Quick and clear.. Thank you, Nico ! :)

 By: hs111 : June 19th, 2011-00:41
I then may deduct also, that the alarm watches were later ?

Thnx, anyway for sure
- hs

The pocket Memos came some 5 years later, yes. [nt]

 By: amanico : June 19th, 2011-00:44
No message body

Not the most known part of the JLC history for sure!

 By: blomman Mr Blue : June 20th, 2011-12:14

And I think you are on the right track, to start with the wrist Memos…


Further down the road maybe pick up one or two.


Or in my case try to snatch everything that has an alarm, LOL!




As Nicolas explained, first came the wrist Memo and then came the pocket.


The Mother of them all looked something like this:




Thank you, HS – hope to bring some documents to Paris for you to see in person.






So this is.. The 3150 ? .. The first Memo .. Thnx, blomman !

 By: hs111 : June 20th, 2011-21:39
This answers my questions from above,
Kind thanks to you and Nico, as well !

Hmm.. The tubular lugs, a peculiar appearance in a way, but
apparently significant for its historical importance..

Thnx for education again,

Best, hs

A lesser known chapter in the Memovox history…

 By: blomman Mr Blue : June 20th, 2011-02:27

Yes, I would love to see JLC make a modern version of the MPA.


Why not with a Cal 914 crystal on the back?!




There is still a lot of info missing on this topic, but hopefully one day we will know the whole story.


Or the history of the LeCoultre…


There is so much info to process and put together, I think the designers for the US had more “loose” guidelines then in Europe.


Here is a web pic I found, similar to the Ref 1208:



My friend, one or two of these MPA’s would not hurt your stunning collection!




Thank you for your kind words and the reference post honour, Nicolas!






This message has been edited by blomman on 2011-06-20 02:39:06

The Lecoultre production is one of my weak points ...

 By: amanico : June 20th, 2011-06:31

In the Vintage JLC knowledge...

There are so many watches I don't know at all, like the one you just posted above.

The loss of the LeCoultre archives doesn't help, indeed.

As for your referenced posts, they are worth the honours!



Lost archives doesn’t help…

 By: blomman Mr Blue : June 20th, 2011-12:02

That’s for sure!




That’s why I am trying to build my own archive…


Wait until I come to the LeCoultre Memovox post…


I have a surprise for you!








I love surprises...

 By: amanico : June 20th, 2011-12:07

What is it, what is it, what is it???




Na, you will have to wait…

 By: blomman Mr Blue : June 20th, 2011-12:16

I already spilled some of my secrets for you!








LC archives loss .. How come ? .. Or so much production as well?

 By: hs111 : June 20th, 2011-21:49
Interesting, to trace these back, but demanding I guess,

Did they produce completely independent ? - No records ?
Just lost, or lack of systematics ? - question, questions .

Good luck, Holmes !

Now, I start to even more understand your fascination, extending to the US production,
Very educative, uncharted territory for me, somehow..

Therefore, again thank you


Lost or never existed..?

 By: blomman Mr Blue : June 22nd, 2011-02:13

Hard to tell, HS.


But one thing is for sure – that the LeCoultre part was a joint venture in different constellations’: Longines, Wittnauer, Vacheron Constantin…


+ the fact that the company has changed owners since then…


Doesn’t help!




One day I hope to have enough info to be able to write a post on the topic.






So.. Still Holmes on the riddles .. Good luck ! :-o

 By: hs111 : June 22nd, 2011-02:55
I guess, I had written it here once:
On the occasion of a very famous case,
Holmes makes this so fitting remark to his
notorious assistant:

- we have not enough data, yet ..
And when you don't have enough data,

It will be very difficult ..
-- not to match facts with fiction ..
[quote by Holmes to Watson]

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
( "The Adventure of the Speckled Band", )
- Strand Magazine, 1892

Wise man, this Mr Holmes,
- but most of the time, he finds out.

Will enjoy it,

Best, hs
(aka Watson)

It seems that the LC archives have been lost....

 By: amanico : June 22nd, 2011-03:04

I even contacted the Longines Heritage Dept to ask them if they kept some interesting Lecoultre Docts about this era, and they told me they had nothing...

Damn Quartz Era!



Desinterest ?.. Neglect ?.. Coincidence .. or just "dommage" ?

 By: hs111 : June 22nd, 2011-03:25
.. What difference does it make.. ;-)

well, it keeps the detectives busy, sometimes confused .. but mostly happy, smile

Isn't it ?

Happy hunting and reflecting, Messieurs !

Best, hs

The mystery is a part of the thrill…! :) [nt]

 By: blomman Mr Blue : June 22nd, 2011-12:04
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To bad…

 By: blomman Mr Blue : June 22nd, 2011-12:03

It would have been interesting to see!






Excellent post to start a Sunday

 By: grigo : June 19th, 2011-00:13

Thanks for sharing, stupendous work as usual.

I will be on the lookout for MPA's from now on.

Best regards,


The problem when you “discover” something more…

 By: blomman Mr Blue : June 20th, 2011-12:20

Is that your hunting list gets longer…!


But, what fun would it be with an empty wish list?




Thank you, George!






A man always needs objectives in life.

 By: grigo : June 20th, 2011-22:26

Wonderful lblomman!

 By: =RWK= : June 19th, 2011-00:14

Thanks, for a great post!



My pleasure, Richard!

 By: blomman Mr Blue : June 20th, 2011-12:26

Happy you enjoyed it!




More to come…






Sunday morning revelation.. You did t again.. Great post, a keeper ! :))

 By: hs111 : June 19th, 2011-00:27

Documents like this…

 By: blomman Mr Blue : June 20th, 2011-12:38

Documents like this highlight my love for these mechanical marvels even more!




HS, I am very happy you like this series - now I will have to go back to my black book and choose a topic for Part #3…


Automatics, Atmos, Feme, Art, Master Mariner, Date watches, Pocket watches, Clocks, LeCoultre, Reverso, Memovox …?


So many different topics to cover.


It’s a never ending (love) story!








re: Memovox

 By: DRMW : June 19th, 2011-00:58

Another informative posts, nicely done!

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