To continue with pumpkin...

May 21, 2024,19:15 PM

As a lot you liked my 1655 pumpkin posted by Nicolas... Here is another one, 1680 with a twist... (I took the pictures so they are by far less good than the one Nicolas is doing 😔)

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Very nice specimen.

 By: hora12reborn : May 21st, 2024-19:17

Cool one

 By: Derreck : May 21st, 2024-19:40

With the extra sauce. Bravo.

 By: Bill : May 21st, 2024-20:39
No extra sauce included below. ...  

Aaah, you remember that???

 By: amanico : May 21st, 2024-20:44
450 USD. Who wants it? Best, Nicolas ...  

So sweet this one

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : May 21st, 2024-21:25

Beautiful piece!

 By: gregcarraram3 : May 22nd, 2024-02:31