
Stolen Boat Nightmare Video

 By: patrick_y : March 11th, 2022-22:21
Newport Beach is a nice neighborhood.  Quiet.  Peaceful.  Idyllic.  Some nice palm trees.  It's the Californian dream.  I lived in the next town over for a few years.  But the dream life was shattered when a crazed individual in a stolen boat, who was likely being chased by the police, crashed into multiple boats at two different docks.  This wasn't a Hollywood movie, even though we're only an hour's drive from Hollywood.  This was real life! 

We have a large amount of WatchProSite members who live in the Newport Beach area.  And even some WatchProSite members who even enjoy sailing.  I used to sail a small sailboat in Newport Beach harbor myself. 

But on Thursday morning, 10-March-2022, this is what happened...

The video only shows the crash in one dock, but the photo below shows the crash at a second dock where the suspect in the stolen yacht eventually hit a seawall.  It's amazing nobody was seriously injured (to the our knowledge thus far)!  Apparently a lady was in her sailboat in the first incident and was pinned down by the hull.  Fortunately she was able to get out later and seems to have no major injuries.  But imagine if she was stuck while the boat was sinking! 

Hopefully everything is okay.  Just a reminder to everyone to be extra cautious!  And if you see a big boat coming towards you, run away! 

Thanks for sharing this Patrick, literally insane! Especially for the woman on the sailboat, but also all the bystanders, it must have been quite a horror movie to find themselves in! ;-)

 By: FabR : March 11th, 2022-23:00
If we've reached a point that people can't even sit on their boats with no fear of being killed by a random idiot, then it's definitely not looking good! ;-) Let's hope in the justice system in charge of this case, and that you can soon update our members with the news of a swift sentence for the criminal involved....on top of course of the multi-million dollar price tag for all the mess he made in the harbor ;-) 


With all due respect, what do you mean

 By: Gwai : March 12th, 2022-00:21
by "If we've reached a point [...]"? Accidents and crazy sh$t happen all the time, everywhere, no? I've been to Newport Beach and loved it. But why would that place, or any place, be exempt from harm?

Hi Mark, agreed that accidents or crazy things might (and do!) happen anywhere, even if this definitely looks like to me either a crime or the direct consequence of a crime...

 By: FabR : March 12th, 2022-00:47
What I meant here is just that a boat anchored in a harbor, even more so in an "upscale" location, is probably one of the last places on Earth that people (myself included!) would perceive as dangerous for their safety....obviously, this should serve to everyone as a "good" reminder of the truism that, indeed, NO place is 100% safe from the actions of idiots and/or criminals! ;-)


You're right Marc!

 By: patrick_y : March 12th, 2022-04:33
But most of the time, most people, when they're in "safe" and "upscale" surroundings, they unfortunately let their guard down. I do this myself. Many of the members of WatchProSite live in environs where it's safer than average, and almost all of us get lulled into complacency. Lastly, while you're absolutely right, accidents and crazy stuff can happen anywhere, "mayhem boat destruction" is fairly rare just about everywhere, and it rarely hits the news! So we all just need to be doubly vigilant!

Understood, didn't want

 By: Gwai : March 12th, 2022-09:07
to offend anyone. The tune I heard in my head (not being sober, either; after a night of fine food & drink) sounded as if you were offended an idyllic and wealthy place could be violated, at all, and as if that were a new phenomenon. When even gated communities are not necessarily safe havens and money and peace obviously attract those who want money and like to disturb the peace, and always have. Again, no offense.

Yup, quiet Thursday morning. Sun is just coming out...

 By: patrick_y : March 12th, 2022-04:35
I'd be lazing on the top deck, yawning lazily, stretching, thinking about how the day will be... And what's that boat doing, heading straight for me. It will turn. It must turn. It's not turning. Oh my goodness! Run! Abandon ship! Help, Fire, Murder, Police!

We live in a pretty crazy world my friend!😉😇❤️

 By: FabR : March 12th, 2022-04:45

Seriously scary event. So lucky no one hurt.

 By: Bill : March 12th, 2022-00:12

Yes indeed!

 By: patrick_y : March 12th, 2022-04:35
Very scary indeed!

That’s insane !

 By: pjphilippe : March 12th, 2022-02:17
That’s frightening ! The guy is totally mad.

Very frightening! I couldn't imagine... Assault with a deadly weapon! Weapon being a huge boat!

 By: patrick_y : March 12th, 2022-04:36

nothing is guaranteed, everything can change in a fraction of a second!

 By: PoyFR : March 12th, 2022-08:10
This is sad, still there is much worst…
Enjoy every second of the best of times!


 By: patrick_y : March 12th, 2022-18:54
You are very right!

My wife parks her car like that.

 By: kjkt3 : March 12th, 2022-10:17

Ah, ah, ah 🤣😂

 By: pjphilippe : March 12th, 2022-14:29


 By: patrick_y : March 12th, 2022-18:54

Hehehe, I was wondering who among us who would say that first! You won! :))))))

 By: amanico : March 13th, 2022-11:11

Another day in HelLA, here's another watch robbery attempt from March 6th....

 By: InHavenPro : March 12th, 2022-16:09

Note to self, don't wear a nice watch anymore...

 By: patrick_y : March 12th, 2022-18:53
Life all of a sudden just got much worse... If I can't enjoy a nice watch...


 By: InHavenPro : March 12th, 2022-19:15

Everything in live is relative

 By: Jurry : March 13th, 2022-05:38

Stolen boat crash in Newport harbor

War in Ukraine (bit further away from Hollywood)

Ps the above is not meant cynical and having a boat stolen and crashed really sucks because regardless how much premium you paid, you know that the insurance will find some lame excuses to reduce payment.

But adding a bit more perspective every now and then can’t hurt (provided it’s presented in an non-insulting wording that is)

True! Just something very unexpected, in an increasingly dangerous world!

 By: patrick_y : March 13th, 2022-16:44
Who knows. Maybe after this, there will be more stolen boats in the future!