I love this one, great post!
May 20, 2013,06:31 AM
must have missed #11, can you share the link please?
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Sorry to say...
By: blomman Mr Blue : May 20th, 2013-00:12
I don't know which paper the ad comes from - found it on a auction site, single page only. Thank you, dear friend! I know you are working this theme as well... Maybe you will show us your version of the Concorde ad one day..? :) Best Blomman
By: DRMW : May 19th, 2013-12:22
I believe that there is a Concorde being restored in the Musée de l'air et de l'espace at Le Bourget airport in Paris. You should see if it's there and take a pic with the advert and the trio of JLCs! -MW