
A Tribute to Dr. No’s long years of service on WPS

 By: cazalea : March 24th, 2024-02:48
My name is Blonde, James Blonde

: )

 By: mdg : March 24th, 2024-03:13

Dr. No. Sir Art, I hope you know the great respect and admiration I have for you and how Principled you are and how you protect us from scammers on a daily basis

 By: SALMANPK : March 24th, 2024-03:29
for all that and more Sir I Salute you and want to thank you.

You are the physical embodiment of the core values of being a Purist of pursuing Perfection in an Imperfect World. How Lucky we are to have a Gallant Gentleman like yourself amongst us.

Hear Hear we Raise all our Virtual Glasses in your Honor.


Ah, but....

 By: InHavenPro : March 24th, 2024-03:29
In my opinion, this one is the best satire of the Bond franchise 😄😇....

Not to mention Austin Powers, Star Trek, etc.

 By: cazalea : March 24th, 2024-03:48

Nosy parody 🤣

 By: hora12reborn : March 24th, 2024-07:16


 By: amanico : March 24th, 2024-08:47

Much appreciation for Dr No's contributions here, may his years be golden.

 By: Spangles - Dr. Tabby : March 24th, 2024-12:34

Dear Dr No...

 By: S F : March 24th, 2024-14:39
You the man,...King of Omega, music and pool 🍻


 By: amanico : March 24th, 2024-16:49

Funny thing is, I was just thinking about . . .

 By: Dr No : March 24th, 2024-19:59
. . . my three passions.  Music first, when at the age of three I endlessly played the Kingston Trio's Scotch and Soda . . . 

. . . to the point Dad threw up his hands and made me go to bed, then watches at five, after seeing a relative's triple date moon phase (not an Omega, but similar to a Cosmic), and finally pool at nine after wandering into the snooker room of the golf club.  

So really, I haven't changed at all over the decades.  

[Yours truly in the back seat of Dad's '63 MB 190 sedan; still have the briefcase!]



 By: NautNut : March 24th, 2024-16:23

One of the Best, no doubt about that!

 By: MichaelC : March 24th, 2024-16:57

Did you know this was coming?

 By: myles721 : March 24th, 2024-17:43
I bet you didn’t 😉 😎🤙🏻

Thank You Dr. No for Your LONGTIME Moderatorship of WatchProSite!

 By: patrick_y : March 25th, 2024-18:51
I still remember when we first met during my undergrad years!  

Kudos to all your contributions!

 By: donizetti : March 25th, 2024-20:27
I hope one day I’ll make it to California and meet you!


One of my absolute favorite mods on WPS

 By: ChristianDK : March 25th, 2024-21:36
He deserves a tribute!

Thanks, Mike, and to all . . .

 By: Dr No : March 26th, 2024-18:11
. . . of you.  Seventeen years has gone by in the blink of an eye.  

I've been under the weather the last few days, not much energy for posting, but I've read all your responses and appreciate them greatly.
