A truly nice one again, Blomman - Lovely No 10 highlight, indeed !
- In a way, the KoM ( King of Memovoxes) is back again before the year ends, thank you -
also for this travel to the begin of the MMV- beginnings !
Specifically liked the diversity of your ads, and in particular the early one with the 'triangle' and its meanings,
and also the one with the phrase ' .. The pefect gift anticipates a need ' with the beautiful women..
- pretty convincing and soo persuasive, isn't it ?
- Not to forget the term ' Priorité' (1953)..
(Have to say, I've bookmarked practically all of your series)
Thank you for this one agan, but also your committment,
another real pleasure to read and digest !
For the final stretch of days for 2011 and all of 2012,
My very personal best,