You know me, dear Seconds! πŸ˜‰πŸ˜€ A Happy New Year to you!

Jan 01, 2024,10:01 AM

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My sporty year ends on a sweet note ... eherrmm: heavy note.

 By: COUNT DE MONET : December 31st, 2023-12:08
After having not exercised with weights at the gym the last 10 years, I embarked on that journey again this year on 3rd of January. Pressed yesterday 10 times 80 kg again in one go, without struggeling, controled and smooth. Felt very good! ...  

Just be careful …

 By: Cpt Scarlet : December 31st, 2023-12:35
Or you will need to replace your entire wardrobe πŸ˜‰ ...  

Also my concern, dear Captain!,πŸ˜€ With my current attire it is showing that I am a bit stronger.πŸ˜‰

 By: COUNT DE MONET : December 31st, 2023-12:48
If you keep it natural, you will never ever look like the great Arnold. That is my dope: Harz Mountain Cheese! Has got 30 g protein / 100 g. ...  


 By: amanico : December 31st, 2023-17:55

Congratulations! Keep it up!

 By: Spangles - Dr. Tabby : December 31st, 2023-12:56
This year coming, I will work on my health as well.


 By: iceheller 1945 ✌️ : December 31st, 2023-13:45
I am <68kg pursuing fr 1.5x my body weight. Hehehe. But do get a spotter if you doing free weight bench press. ; )

That is equally, or even more impressive: 1.5x of body weight, dear Iceheller 1945.πŸ‘

 By: COUNT DE MONET : December 31st, 2023-14:41
A spotter is needed at 85 kg now: 4 x! πŸ’ͺ


 By: AlexSunrise : December 31st, 2023-16:28
I’ve never been much into weigh training, as swimming has been more my preferred activity, but one of my goals for 2024 is to start hitting the gym. Thank you for the motivation to do so, Count! Happy 2024! Alex

Fantastic !!!

 By: Mr.Gatsby : December 31st, 2023-16:29
This IS the way to end the year β€” with a good workout. 80 kilos is no easy feat kudos to you Happy Healthy New Year! Best Gatsby


 By: Mr.Gatsby : December 31st, 2023-17:25
The goals must be sustainable. As I grow older, carrying a heavier load is no longer something I aspire towards to. Ultimately attaining a higher quality in life is the ultimate goal. Working back from there I know that hypertrophy then becomes the main g... 

I do, desr massi, I do ...

 By: COUNT DE MONET : December 31st, 2023-17:10
Cheers! πŸ₯ƒπŸ₯ƒ ...  

... and to you! πŸ₯ƒπŸ₯ƒ

 By: COUNT DE MONET : December 31st, 2023-17:27

Or two! :)))

 By: amanico : December 31st, 2023-17:55

Sounds like good progression.

 By: Jay (Eire) : December 31st, 2023-16:57
Strength work is very important, and far more important as we get older. Having a routine like this, not necessarily a heavy one, is something everyone really should have and so you are setting a good example to your fellow forum members.


 By: Jay (Eire) : December 31st, 2023-17:18
Maybe we need a Health & Fitness sub forum. You talk to Bill ! LOL Happy New Year, here’s to continued fitness and strength into 2024 !

Cut out all processed carbs in mid-September, have lost 7 lbs . . .

 By: Dr No : December 31st, 2023-18:08
. . . since. The other benefit is a loss of appetite . . . eating less, or more precisely, satisfied with less. "True wealth is health."

Well done, dear Art! Also wise words. Keep the spirit also in 2024, 2025 ...

 By: COUNT DE MONET : December 31st, 2023-18:44
I know you can't drink too much anymore but if: A very complex bourbon, not too sweet, almost scotch like taste. PS An Eagle Rare 10 is lurking into picture ... ...  

'Bottled in bond' would be comparable to a single-malt . . .

 By: Dr No : December 31st, 2023-21:16
. . . whiskey, Count. Not much for spirits anymore, but will ask for it the next time I'm at the bourbon bar in Hollywood. New Year's best, Art

A Happy New Year to you!

 By: COUNT DE MONET : December 31st, 2023-21:26

Awesome way to head into 2024!

 By: gregcarraram3 : December 31st, 2023-19:31

Meh...80 is not that great...

 By: mdg : December 31st, 2023-19:33
...Oh, kg! That's great!!

You nearly got me, dear mdg. πŸ˜€

 By: COUNT DE MONET : December 31st, 2023-19:41

Keep it up...

 By: mdg : December 31st, 2023-19:59
...I need to get back to working out myself after some setbacks. I hope I can get even close to what you're doing : )

The COUNT is the best happy 2024

 By: Seconds : January 1st, 2024-03:19
Regarda Seconds.

Thank you dear COUNT wishing you the same.

 By: Seconds : January 1st, 2024-11:08
Best Regards Seconds.

Well done. I love going to the gym and lifting weights.

 By: vitalsigns : January 1st, 2024-06:18
Started more than 35 years ago and only took a hiatus for grad school. The exertion is pleasure. I hope I’m healthy enough to always lift. So far so good.

Great job vitalsigns, having it 35 years on your mind and exercising.

 By: COUNT DE MONET : January 1st, 2024-10:06
Same here: having periods of intense training "since" I am 20.